
Access Facebook on Mobile Can Free!

Facebook continues to break through to spoil hundreds of millions of 'citizens'. After successfully with Lite m.facebook.com and Facebook, social networking sites now that make Facebook Zero. Is it?

Facebook Facebook Zero is for use via mobile browser. In accordance with the name 'Zero' which diusungnya, accessing Facebook via mobile phone will not charge for free aliases.

It's just a consequence, Facebook Zero shows only text-only or without photos. If Faceook The access switch to multimedia (plus photos), then he must pay the cost of telecommunications operators defined.

But wait, if you try to access the Facebooker zero.facebook.com on his cell phone today and then failed, it was reasonable. Because Zero requires cooperation with operators in each country and it is still in the process.

"Zero is a light version of m.facebook.com. Facebook Zero will encourage accessing Facebook via mobile phones and enables operators to embrace more mobile internet users," said Facebook spokeswoman Brandee Barker told Tech Crunch

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