
Learning From the Nuclear Case of Iran

Iranian Ambassador to Indonesia, Behrooz Kamalvandi said that so far the western countries and the United States has launched a propaganda that is not fair and unilaterally against Iran over the nuclear issue. United States suspected that the purpose of Iran's uranium enrichment program will be used for weapons that would disrupt the peace and security internationally. Iran still says that its nuclear program is for generating electrical energy for peaceful purposes and for the welfare of the Iranian people.

Studies on Iran's nuclear program objectives and polemiknya, will be very beneficial for Indonesia to become food for thought related to nuclear power development plan. This is a discussion of the International Seminar on "Iran's Nuclear Program. What is it for, Indonesia Can Take A Lesson "at Hotel Mulia Senayan. Speakers at this seminar Ambassador of the Republic of Iran Mr. Behrooz Kamalvandi, Head of BATAN Dr. Jewish Hastowo, Dean Prof. FHUI. Dr. Hikmahanto Juwana, Researcher swallow Hersutanto CSIS Jakarta, SH, MA, and as a moderator Dr. Muhammad AS Hikam, as the keynote speech is KH. Abdurrahman Wahid or Gus Dur
According to Jewish Hastowo, in developing its nuclear program, Indonesia was not planning to make their own uranium enrichment. Then Jewish adding "If you want to have a uranium enrichment should create a regional group which Indonesia along with several other countries plan to make enrichment and operated jointly.

Gus Dur in his short speech to give an alternative nuclear power plant construction site on the island of Publications. According to nuclear development for electric energy is necessary, but development on the island of Java should be considered earthquake-prone conditions. Meanwhile, Prof.. Dr. Hikmahanto Juwana says: Iranian uranium enrichment to the attention of the UN Security Council and the United States under the George W. Bush. UN Security Council had twice given the resolution to Iran over Iran's refusal to halt its nuclear energy development. Learning from the case of Iran Indonesia should maintain good relations with the superpower countries to convince them that Indonesia's nuclear program for peaceful purposes.

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